Second year: “The ways we share” is an educational look at their own and others cultural identity and appreciating the links that bind us in order to promote the intercultural dialogue.

BEFORE THE EXCHANGE: First, the students will have worked on tasks (language peculiarities, dynamics on prejudices and stereotypes, surveys…). Then, they will try to build a positive cultural identity based on the work of the first year. In this phase, we will use the methodologies of the project-based learning and design thinking as well as the use of ICT tools.

The involvement of teachers from several disciplines will enable to carry out these multidisciplinary task-based activities along the normal course of the school. All the activities will be shared in the TwinSpace of the project and online videoconferences will allow students to talk about their work before the meeting in Berlin.


Day 1: Welcome and ice-breaking activities for making cohesive groups from the four schools will benefit the weekly work. Introduction of the plan of the visit. The students’ working sessions will value the cultural heritage as an element of cohesion based on diversity. They will share the previous work through workshops (folklore, art styles, cooking, popular games,…) in mixed groups that present their cultural heritage with the own and the common elements as well as possibilities of hybridization. In addition to this, the students will participate in the lessons of the host school, prepared to favour the inclusion and cohesion of all the students. Meanwhile, the teachers will meet to talk about the progress and the following exchanges of the project.

Days 2-3: These days will be devoted to the exploration of Berlin. Thomas Mann Gymnasium will be responsible for organising cultural visits around the city involving the local authorities; professional guided visits may be combined with less formal ones managed by the local students. They will also organize “The European Traditional Fair”: the four countries students’ groups will take part collaboratively in activities as storytellers, traditional songs and dances, popular games, art guides, (they could count with ICT tools). The German students will have a leading role in their groups.

Day 4: With the originality of having got hybrid products, the final results with will be carried out in English (the common language), however the other languages could be used as an additional support. Teachers or field experts will assess the communicative competence, content and mise-en-scene.

Finally, the assessment of the exchange, delivery of certificates will take place. The groups could cook with the host families some native recipes for the Farewell ceremony.

Expected results: research studies about heritage and oral, written and audiovisual presentations; improved skills and key competences, an increased autonomy, self-confidence and communicative skills. And a higher engagement in local communities.

You can know the program: C4 program

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